ISSUE: 2/2008
- Volume 46
- Number 2
- 2008
Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs
ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780
Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License
Zakończenie działań Phare w Polsce. Wybrane elementy ewaluacji programu wsparcia dla polskiej transformacji i przygotowań przedakcesyjnych
Completion of Phare activities in Poland. Selected elements of evaluation of the programme supporting Polish transformation and pre-accession processes
The year 2007 saw the final conclusion of activities carried on under the Phare programme in Poland. Financially, the Phare programme may seem insignificant when compared to the present funding from the European Union, yet it played important role in economic and social development. It provided one of the key systemic tools to support the process of political transformation, vastly contributed to economic restructuring and growth of underdeveloped areas, mobilised local communities and generally favoured Poland’s integration with the EU. On the other hand, not all priorities of the Phare programme defined by the EU were successfully achieved. Whilst model solutions proposed could never replace the need for Poland to develop its own ways, they were often taken for granted so they failed to stimulate new, independent initiatives. Moreover, long-term financial assistance provided to decision-makers and beneficiaries resulted in their mental (and not only) addiction to never-ending stream of aid funds.
Language: Polish
Pages: 59-87
How to Cite:
Mrówka, B. and Żukowska, M. (2008) "Zakończenie działań Phare w Polsce. Wybrane elementy ewaluacji programu wsparcia dla polskiej transformacji i przygotowań przedakcesyjnych". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 2/2008, pp. 59-87.