Issue: 4/2024
- Volume 28
- Number 4
- 2024
Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs
ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780
Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License
- Abkhazia
- Abuse
- Accessibility
- Accession
- Accession Negotiations
- Activity
- Administrative Courts
- Administrative Fines
- Advocacy of Interests
- Agenda 2030
- Agricultural Data
- Albania
- Alcide De Gasperi
- American Film
- Anthropology of the New Europe
- Anti-discrimination Law
- Appropriate Measures
- Arab Spring
- Armed Conflict
- Armenia
- Armenians
- Article 37 Nice Charter
- Artificial Intelligence
- Assessment
- Assimilation
- Association Agreement
- Asylum
- Asylum Policy
- Asymmetric Power
- Atypical Forms of Employment
- Austerity Policy
- Austria
- autonomy
- Aviation Law
- Axiology
- Azerbaijan
- Balkan
- Balkan Geopolitics
- Balkanisation
- Balkans
- Banking Union
- Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy Legislation
- Barriers
- Behavioural Insights
- Behavioural Public Policy
- Benjamin Natanyahu
- Berlin Process
- Big Data Sets
- Bilateral Agreements
- Bilateral Cooperation
- Biopolitics
- Blue Bonds
- Blue Economy
- BlueInvest
- Border
- Border Control
- Border Situation
- Borderland
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brazil
- Brexit
- British–Polish–Ukrainian Trilateral
- Brussels Effect
- Budget
- Budget Allocation
- Bulgaria
- Bulgarian Case
- Business
- Business Environment
- Business Services
- Carbon Emissions
- Case Law
- Case Study
- Cash-free
- Catalonia
- Central Asia
- Central Bank
- Central Europe
- Central European Countries
- Central-Eastern Europe
- Centre for Europe
- CentrePeriphery Relations
- Ceutra
- Challenges
- Change
- Changes
- Chapter 27
- Charles Taylor
- Charter of Fundamental Rights
- Charter of Fundamental Social Rights of Workers
- Children
- China
- Circular Economy
- Circular Migration
- Cities
- Citizen
- Citizens
- Citizenship
- Citizenship by Investment
- Civic Engagement
- Civil Dialogue
- Civil Partnership
- Civil Society
- Civil-Military Relations
- Claim for Payment
- Clash of Interests
- Climate change
- Climate Neutrality
- Climate Regime
- Cloud Computing Technology
- Cluster Analysis
- Clusters
- Coal
- Cognitive Approach
- Cohesion
- Cohesion Fund
- Cohesion Policy
- Cold War
- Cold War in Europe
- Commission’s Report
- Common Agricultural Policy
- Common Market
- Common Migration Policy
- Common Policy
- Common Trade Policy
- Communism
- Comparative Perspective
- Comparative Study
- Competence
- Competent Organisation
- Competition and Market Authority
- Competition Law
- Competitiveness
- Competitiveness of the Economy
- Concepts of Migration
- Conditional Rebates
- Conditionality
- Conditionality Mechanism
- Connectivity
- Consensual negotiations
- Consent of the Victim
- Consociational Democracy
- Consociationalism
- Constitution
- Constitutional Law
- Constitutional Order
- Consumer
- Consumer Behaviour
- Consumer Boycotts
- Contemporary Polish Culture
- Contested Neighbourhood
- Contractual
- Convention
- Cooperation
- Copenhagen School
- Coronavirus
- Corporate Environmental Responsibility
- Corporate Environmental Sustainability
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Correction Mechanisms
- Council of the European Union
- Court of Justice
- Court of Justice of the European Union
- COVID-19
- Crime Prevention
- Crimean Peninsula
- criminal law
- Crisis
- Crisis Management
- Criteria
- Cross-Border Court Proceedings
- Cross-Border Practices
- Cross-Cultural Management
- Cross-Fertilisation
- Crude Oil
- Cultural Communication
- Cultural Diplomacy
- Cultural Goods
- Cultural Organizations
- Cultural Policy
- Cultural Relations
- Culturalism
- Culture
- Customs Preferences
- Cyber Security
- Cyprus
- Czech Constitution
- Czech Republic
- Dayton Peace Agreement
- Decarbonisation
- Decolonisation
- Defence
- Defence Forces
- Defence Policy
- Defense Policy
- Defensible Space
- Definition
- Delegations
- Demand
- Democracy
- Democracy Deficit
- Democratic Backsliding
- Democratic Deficit
- Democratisation
- Democratization
- Demographics
- Demography
- Denmark
- Depillarization
- Depopulation
- Dept Crisis
- Design Management
- Development
- Development and Innovation
- Development Assistance
- Development Cooperation
- Devolution
- Differentiated Integration
- Differentiation
- Differentiation of Integration
- Digital Democracy
- Digital Design
- Digital Diplomacy
- Digital Government Services
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Literacy
- Digitalisation
- Digitalization
- Diplomacy
- Direct investments
- Discrimination
- Discursive Nodal Points
- Disinformation
- Disintegration
- Domestic investments
- Domestication
- Dominant Position
- Donald Trump
- Donbas
- Doomsday Nationalism
- Drone
- Drop in Trust
- E-Government
- Easter Mediterranean Route
- Eastern Baltic
- Eastern Enlargement
- Eastern Europe
- Eastern European Countries
- Eastern Neighbourhood
- Eastern Partnership
- Eastern Policy
- Ecological Transition
- Ecology
- Economic cohesion
- Economic Cooperation
- Economic Crisis
- Economic development
- Economic Diplomacy
- Economic Freedom
- Economic Governance
- Economic Growth
- Economic History
- Economic Integration
- Economic Migration
- Economic Models
- Economic Policy
- Economic Sanctions
- Economic Security
- Economic Well-Being
- Economics
- Economy
- Economy Crisis
- Education
- Education System
- Effects of Economic Integration
- Efficiency
- Elderly People
- Election Campaign
- Elections
- Electoral Process
- Electronic Communications Networks
- Electronic Payment
- Elites
- Emancipation
- Emergency Governance
- Emerging Donors
- Empires
- Employability
- Employment
- Endogeneity
- Energonomic
- Energy Balance
- Energy Factor
- Energy Instability
- Energy Lobbying
- Energy Policy
- Energy Security
- Energy Solidarity
- Energy Transition
- Energy-dependent State
- Enforcement
- Enhanced Cooperation
- Enlargement
- Enlargement Policy
- Enlargement Process
- Entrepreneur
- Entrepreneurship
- Environment
- Environmental Policy
- Equality
- Estonia
- Ethnic Conflict
- Ethnic Parties
- Ethnopolitics
- EU
- EU Common Market
- EU Council
- EU Eastern Neighbourhood
- EU Enlargement
- EU Enlargement Process
- EU Law
- EU Market
- EU-UK Trade
- EU–Turkey Agreement
- EU–Turkey Relations
- Eurazja
- Euro
- Euro Area
- Euro Zone
- Euro-orphanhood
- Europe
- Europe 2020
- European Agenda for Culture
- European Agenda for Migration
- European Banking Authority (EBA)
- European Citizens
- European Citizens Initiative
- European Commission
- European Comparative Analysis
- European Composite Administration
- European Construction
- European Cooperation
- European Cooperative Society
- European Copyright Code
- European Court of Auditors
- European Crisis
- European Culture
- European Data Management
- European disintegration
- European Economic Area
- European Energy Programme
- European Environmental Policy
- European Film
- European Financial Market Supervision
- European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism
- European Financial Stability Facility
- European Funds
- European Gigabit Society
- European Global Strategy
- European Green Deal
- European Headline Goals
- European Identity
- European Integration
- European Integration Models
- European Integration Process
- European Integration Theory
- European Investment Bank
- European law
- European legislation
- European Monetary Union
- European Neighborhood Policy
- European Neighbourhood Policy
- European Parliament
- European Payment Order
- European People’s Party
- European Policy
- European Private Companies
- European Security
- European Security Strategy
- European Single Market
- European Social Fund
- European Space Agency
- European Space Governance
- European Studies
- European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs)
- European Territorial Cooperation
- European Union
- European Union Common Foreign and Security Policy
- European Union Funds
- European Union Training Missions
- European Union: Crises
- European Union’s Economic
- European Year of Cultural Heritage
- Europeanisation
- Europeanism
- Europeanization
- Euroregions
- Eurosceptic
- Euroscepticism
- Eurozone
- Eurozone Crisis
- Evaluation
- Evolution
- Export
- External Actions
- External Borders Crossing
- External Cultural Relations
- External Influences
- External Policy
- External Relations
- External Security
- Externalisation
- Extremism
- family policy
- Far-right
- Far-right Extremism
- Federal Republic of Germany
- Federalisation
- Federalism
- Finalité Politique
- Finance
- Financial Architecture
- Financial Inclusion
- Financial Market
- Financial Service
- Financial Services
- Financial Stability
- Financial Supervision
- Financial Support
- Financial System
- Financial Tools
- Financial-economic Crisis
- Financing
- Finland
- Fintech
- Fiscal Convergence Criteria
- Fiscal Policy
- Fiscal Union
- Fit for 55
- Flexible Employee
- Flexible Solidarity
- Food Aid
- food production
- Food security
- Food Solidarity
- Food standards
- Forced Migration
- Foreign Affairs
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Foreign Direct Investments
- Foreign Exchange
- Foreign Market
- Foreign Market Entry
- Foreign Policy
- Foreign Policy Action
- Foreign Trade
- Formal Institutions
- Former Commonwealth of Two Nations
- Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- Former Yugoslavia
- Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Framework
- France
- Free Market Economy
- Free Movement of Capital
- Free Movement of Goods
- Free Movement of Persons
- Free Trade
- Free Trade Agreement
- Free Trade Area
- Freedom
- Freedom from Alliances
- Freedom of Merchandise
- Freedom to Povide Services
- Frontier
- Fundamental Rights
- Fundamental Values
- Funds
- Furniture
- Future Generations
- Future of Europe
- GDP Energy Intensity
- Geert Wilders
- Gender
- Gender Equality
- Gender Identity
- Gender Inequalities
- Gender Mainstreaming
- Gender Pay Gap
- Gender Stereotypes
- Gender Studies
- General Election
- General Secretariat of the Council
- Generalized System of Preferences
- Genetically Modified Food
- Genocide
- Genocide of Armenians
- Geo-economics
- Geo-historical Impacts
- Geopolitical Alternatives
- Geopolitical Pluralism
- Geopolitics
- Georgia
- Geostrategic Rivalry
- Germany
- Germany’s Energy Lobbying
- Gigabit Society
- Global Challenges
- Global Crisis
- Global Governance
- Global Security
- Global Value Chain
- Globalization
- Good Governance
- Governance
- Government
- Grain Imports
- Great Britain
- Greece
- Green Policies
- Green Transformation
- Greta Thunberg
- Group of Seven
- Halford Mackinder
- Happiness
- Harmonisation
- Harmonization
- Health Crisis
- Health Policy
- Healthcare Labour Market
- Healthcare Practitioners
- Heartland
- Heritage
- High Representative of the European Union
- Higher Education
- History
- Holocaust
- Homeless
- Horizon 2020
- Human Capital
- Human Rights
- Human Trafficking
- Hungary
- Hybrid War
- I-voting
- ICT Sector
- Ideational Limitations
- Identification
- Identity
- Ideology
- Idiosyncratic Leadership
- Illiberal system
- Illiberalism
- Immigrants
- Immigration
- Immigration Policy
- Impact Assessment
- Implementation
- Implementing Measures
- Import
- Inclusive Growth
- Inclusive Innovation
- Income
- independence
- Independency
- India
- Individual Consumer
- Indo-Pacyfic
- Industrial Policy
- Industry
- Industry 4.0
- Infl ation
- Inflation
- Informal Institutions
- Information Policy
- Information Society
- Information War
- Innovation
- Innovation in Poland
- Innovation Policy
- Innovation Union
- Innovations
- Innovative projects
- Innovativeness
- Institution
- Institutional Architecture
- Institutional Consistency
- Institutional System
- Institutional Theory
- Institutions
- Insurance
- Integration
- Integration of Children
- Integration of Immigrants
- Integration Policy
- Intercultural Communication
- Interdependence
- Interest Groups
- Intergovernmentalism
- Interim
- Intermarium
- Internal Market
- Internal Trade
- International Benchmarking
- International Business Strategy
- International Competitiveness
- International Conventions
- International Cooperation
- International Criminal Tribunals
- International Dispute
- International Institutions
- International Intergovernmental Organizations
- International law
- International Norms
- International Order
- International Organisation
- International Perspective
- International Projects
- International Rankings
- International Relations
- International River-Basin
- International Security
- International Strategy
- International Trade
- Internationalisation
- Interregional Agreements
- Intra-industry Trade
- Investment
- Investment Migration
- Investment Partnership
- Investments
- Iran
- Irregular Immigration
- Irregular Migrants
- Israel
- Labor Market Policy
- Labour
- Labour Market
- Labour Market Institutions
- Labour Migration
- Land Development
- Latin America
- Latvia
- Law
- Law and Justice
- Law and Justice Party
- Law Harmonisation
- Leanguage
- Learning Organisation
- Legal Higher Education
- Legal Instruments
- Legal Interests
- Legal Migration
- Legal Mind
- Legal Regulations
- Legislative Agreements
- Legislative Procedure
- Legitimacy Equilibrium
- Legitimate Aim
- Liability of Carriers
- Liberal Democracy
- Liberalisation
- Liberalism
- Lisbon strategy
- Lithuania
- Lobbying
- Local Community
- Local Taxes
- Logistics
- Logistics Base
- Logistics Centres
- Maastricht Criteria
- Maastricht Treaty
- Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure
- Macroeconomic Indicators
- Macroeconomic Stability
- Macroprudential
- Mainstreaming
- Management
- Manufacturing
- Marian Kotleba
- Market Factors
- Marketing Communication
- Marketplaces
- Marriage
- Media Market
- Media Policy
- Mediation
- Mediterranean
- Mediterranean Policy
- Medium-sized enterprises
- Melilla
- Member States
- Membership
- Memory
- Mercosur
- Methodology
- Microprudential
- Middle East
- Middle Powers
- Migrant Crisis
- Migrants
- Migration
- Migration Crisis
- Migration Interdependence
- Migration Policy
- Migrations
- Militarization
- Military Alliance
- Military Capability
- Military Change
- Military Confl icts
- Military Missions
- Military Operations
- Mime Festivals
- Ministry of Culture
- Minorities
- Minsk Peace Talks
- MIPEX Index
- Mixed Flows
- MNEs
- Mobility
- Models of Migration
- Moldova
- Monetary Convergence Criteria
- Monetisation of Personal Data
- Morality
- Morocco
- Multilateralism
- Multipolarity
- Mutual recognition
- Nation
- Nation Branding
- National Brand
- National Heritage
- National Idea
- National Identification
- National Identity
- National Interest
- National Law
- National Minorities
- National Parliaments
- National Recovery and Resilience Plans
- National Recovery Plan
- National Security
- National Treasures
- National Trends
- Nationalism
- Nationalities policy
- NATO Membership
- Natural Gas
- Natural Resources
- Necessary Measures
- Neighbourhood
- Neo-structural Realism
- Neofunctionalism
- Neoliberalism
- Neorealism
- Netherlands
- Neutrality
- New Global Order
- New Governance
- New Space
- News Media
- Non-Alignment
- Non-verbal Communication
- Normative Power
- North Macedonia
- Northern Ireland
- Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
- Norway
- Nuclear Crisis
- Object of Taxation
- Ocean Economy
- Official Development Assistance
- One Belt One Road Project
- Ontological Security
- Open Innovation
- Operational Programmes
- Optimal Currency Area
- Oscar Newman
- Othering
- Ottoman Empire
- Out-Migration
- Output Legitimacy
- Overpopulation
- Own resources
- Palestine
- Pandemic
- Pantomime
- Parliament
- Parliamentary Elections
- Parochialism
- Participation
- Participatory Democracy
- Particularism
- Partnership
- Party for Freedom
- Party Politics
- Party-Switching
- Passenger Name Record
- Peace
- Peace Building
- Peace Operations
- Peacekeeping
- Peacekeeping Missions
- Perception of Crisis
- Peripheral Regions
- Perpetual Neutrality
- Personal Income Taxation
- Philosophy
- Physical Barriers
- Pillarization
- Platformation
- PNR Data
- Poland
- Polexit
- Policy
- Polish Constitution
- Polish Diaspora
- Polish diplomacy
- Polish foreign policy
- Polish Migration
- Polish Presidency
- Polish Society
- Polish Tourist Organization
- Political Activism
- Political Conflict
- Political Discourse
- Political Economy
- Political Participation
- Political Parties
- Political Realism
- Political Representation
- Political Socialization
- Political Systems
- Political Transformation
- Politics
- Politology
- Polska Brand
- Popular Culture
- Population
- Populism
- Post Brexit
- Post- -Neutrality
- Post-Colonial Studies
- Post-Communist
- Post-Dependecy Theory
- Post-politics
- Post-Soviet Territorial Confl icts
- Post-war German Foreign Policy
- Post-Yugoslav Countries
- Poverty
- Practical Reason
- Precariat
- President of the Czech Republic
- President of Ukraine
- Presidential Elections
- Presidential System
- Press
- Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
- Primary Law
- Primary Sector
- Prime Minister
- Principle of Proportionality
- Privatisation
- Process Determinants
- Process of Creating a State
- Professional Qualifications
- Project
- Projects
- Proportionality
- Prostitution
- Protection of Workers’ Rights
- Prudential Regulations
- Public Administration
- Public Aid
- Public Diplomacy
- Public Expenditure
- Public Finance
- Public Finance Reform
- Public Goods
- Public Governance
- Public Information
- Public Interest
- Public Intervention A
- Public Management
- Public Policy
- Public Security
- Putin’s Russia
- Radical Hope
- Radical Renewal
- Radical Thinking
- Radicalism
- Radio
- Rare Earth Metals
- Realism
- Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
- Recommendations
- Recovery and Resilience Facility
- Referendum
- Reforms
- Refuees
- Refugee Crisis
- Refugee Quota System
- Refugees
- Region
- Regional Cohesion
- Regional Conflicts
- Regional Development
- Regional Disparities
- Regional Integration
- Regional Policy
- Regional Relations
- Regional Trade
- Regionalisation
- Regionalism
- Regions
- Regulation
- Regulations
- Regulatory Power
- Relations
- Relative Revocation
- Relevant Market
- Religious Identification
- Relocations
- Remittances
- Renewable Energy
- Renewed Enlargement
- REPowerEU
- Representative Democracy
- Republic of Ireland
- Republic of Macedonia
- Republic of Moldova
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Republic of Serbia
- Republic of Turkey
- Research
- Resident Doctors
- Resolution
- Response
- Retail
- Rgional Cooperation
- Right to Education
- Right-Wing Forces
- Rivalry
- Rotating Presidency
- Routes
- Routinisation
- Rule of Law
- Russia
- Russia’s Disinformation Campaign
- Russian Aggression Against Ukraine
- Russian Federation
- Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- Russian Invasion on Ukraine
- Russian-speaking Minority
- Russophile
- Same-sex Relationship
- Sanctions
- Sankt Petersburg
- Saudi Arabia
- Scandinavia
- School Strike for Climate
- Science
- Scotland
- Screening Process
- Secession
- Second Republic of Poland
- Secondary Law
- Sectoral Sanctions
- Securitisation
- Securitization
- Security
- Security Community
- Security Environment
- Security Policy
- Self-employment
- Separatism
- Serbia
- Services
- Servitization
- Sex
- Sex Business
- Sex Work
- Shadow Economy
- Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
- Silk Road
- Silky Road
- Singapore
- Single European Market
- Single Market
- Ski Instructor
- Slovakia
- Small enterprises
- Smart City
- Smart Farming
- Smart Specialisation
- SME Sector
- SMEs
- Social Capital
- Social Class
- Social cohesion
- Social Development
- Social Investment
- Social Movements
- Social Policy
- Social Profit
- Social Security
- Socialization
- Societal Security
- Society
- Socio-Economic Crisis
- Socio-Economic Development
- Soft Power
- Solidarity
- Sound Film
- South Caucasus
- South Ossetia
- Sovereignty
- Soviet Union
- Space Diplomacy
- Space Policy
- Space Race
- Spain
- Spanish Army
- Srebrenica
- Standing
- State Aid
- State Aid for Research
- State Support
- State-Forming Entity
- State-Identity
- State’s Sovereignty
- Strategic Autonomy
- Strategic Partnership
- Strategic Partnership Agreement
- Strategy
- Street Art Festivals
- Structural Funds
- Structural Limitations
- Structural Power
- Structural Reforms
- Structuralism
- Studia Europejskie
- Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Subject
- Subject of Taxation
- Subjecthood
- Summary Innovation Index
- Supply
- Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Europe
- Sustainable Product
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Syrians in Türkiye
- System Debate
- Systemic Boiling Points
- Systemic Change
- Tax
- Tax Collection
- Tax Harmonization
- Taxation
- Taxes
- Technical Barriers
- Technocracy
- Television
- Temporary Employment
- Temporary Protection
- Temporary Protection Status
- Terrorism
- Test of the Least Restrictive Measure
- The Netherlands
- The People’s Party Our Slovakia
- Theorising
- theory
- Theresa May
- Third Republic of Poland
- Three Seas Initiative
- Tourism
- Trade
- Trade Agreements
- Trade Exchange
- Trade Preferences
- Trans-European Transport Network
- Transactional Psychological Contract
- Transatlantic Alliance
- Transatlantic Relations
- Transatlantic Security
- Transatlantic Trade
- Transatlanticism
- Transborder Cooperation
- Transformational Leadership
- Transnational Corporations
- Transnationalism
- Transnistria
- Transparency Register
- Transport
- Transport Corridor
- Transposition
- Treaty of Lisbon
- Treaty on European Union
- Treaty on the Functioning of the European
- Trust Funds
- Turkey
- Turkish Foreign Policy
- Turkish Politics
- Turkish Space Agency
- Turkish-Armenian Negotiations
- Türkiye
- Ukraine
- Ukraine Crisis
- Ukraine’s Crisis
- Ukrainian Crisis
- Ukrainian Refugees
- Ukrainians
- Unaccompanied Children
- Unbanked
- Uncertainty
- Undocumented Children
- Undocumented Migrant Workers
- Unemployment
- Unification
- Uniform Application
- Union for Mediterranean
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United Nation
- United States
- United States of America
- Universalism
- University of the Third Age
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Unpredictability
- Unrecognized States
- Urban Design
- US
- Wages
- War
- War Museums
- War Refugees
- Warmia and Mazury Region
- Warsaw
- Warsaw City Hall
- Washington Consensus
- Waste Sorting
- Weimar Triangle
- Welfare
- Well-being
- Wellbox
- Western Balkan
- Western Balkan Countries
- Western Balkans
- Withdrawal Negotiations
- Women
- World Fairs
- World Trade Organization