ISSUE: 1/2020

  • Volume 24
  • Number 1
  • 2020


Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs

ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780

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Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License

Funkcje integracji europejskiej z perspektywy subpaństwowych elit politycznych. U źródeł proeuropejskiego konsensusu w Szkocji

Functions of European Integration from the Perspective of Sub-State Political Elites. At the Root of the Pro-European Consensus in Scotland


This article aims to explain the phenomena of incredibly broad consensus among the Scottish political elites around European integration. All relevant political forces (present in the 2016–2021 term in the Scottish Parliament) have unequivocally supported further membership. European integration and the EU are specifically defined in public debate to carry out certain functions from the perspective of the Scottish political elite. These interpretations in this text are divided into three categories, serving three basic functions: facilitation of the process of increasing the competences of Scottish institutions (through independence or decentralisation), support for social development based on left-wing values and strengthening the distinctiveness of Scotland’s national identity. They were distinguished through in-depth analysis of scientific literature, documents of public institutions and political parties and statements of Scottish politicians. Author concludes that the distinction between the three basic functions of European integration from the perspective of the Scottish political elite is justified, although it is not always possible to draw a precise line between them. It is also easy to see that there are interrelationships between the different elements of these functions.


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Language: Polish

Pages: 45-66

How to Cite:


Czapiewski, T. (2020) "Funkcje integracji europejskiej z perspektywy subpaństwowych elit politycznych. U źródeł proeuropejskiego konsensusu w Szkocji". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 1/2020, pp. 45-66. DOI: 10.33067/SE.1.2020.3
