ISSUE: 4/2011

  • Volume 60
  • Number 4
  • 2011


Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs

ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780

Ccbync License


Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License

Zagraniczne centra B+R a innowacyjność polskiej gospodarki

Foreign Research & Development Centres and Innovative Economy


The purpose of this study is to analyse and evaluate the impact of foreign R&D centres on the innovativeness of the Polish economy in the context of the Polish innovation policy. While attempting to identify the main factors which make Poland an attractive location for foreign R&D centres, the author characterizes the foreign entrepreneur who wants to operate on the Polish market as an R&D centre. Another important aspect of the paper is the assessment of the impact of foreign investments on the innovativeness of the Polish economy in the recent years.

Language: Polish

Pages: 113-129

How to Cite:


Jabłońska, M. (2011) "Zagraniczne centra B+R a innowacyjność polskiej gospodarki". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 4/2011, pp. 113-129.
