ISSUE: 4/2011
- Volume 60
- Number 4
- 2011
Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs
ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780
Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License
Wspólna Polityka Handlowa Unii Europejskiej. Implikacje dla Polski
Common Commercial Policy of the European Union. Implications for Poland
The European Union is undoubtedly the world’s largest trade power. According to the data from the World Trade Organization, the value of goods exported by the European Union in 2010 totalled USD 1,787 billion, which accounted for 15 per cent of global exports of goods. The European Union is also the world’s largest importer of goods. In 2010, the European market imported goods worth a total of USD 1,977 billion, which accounted for 13.5 percent of global imports of goods. The position of the EU in the trade in services is similar.
Reflecting on the causes of the current position of the European Union in world trade, we should analyse the principles of EU’s trade policies, which create conditions for the development of the trade exchange of the individual Member States and of the entire group. This article will not only focus on the essence of the common commercial policy, but also consider changes to the Polish commercial policy related to Poland’s accession to the European Union.
Language: Polish
Pages: 33-54
How to Cite:
Wróbel, A. (2011) "Wspólna Polityka Handlowa Unii Europejskiej. Implikacje dla Polski". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 4/2011, pp. 33-54.