ISSUE: 4/2010
- Volume 56
- Number 4
- 2010
Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs
ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780
Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License
W poszukiwaniu nowego ładu globalnego
Searching for a New Global Order
The author proposes a “hybrid” approach to the issue of global order, combining in his study theoretical and practical issues. From theoretical point of view he is focusing on crucial ideas important in normative, liberal (institutions) and neo-realistic school of thinking on vglobal affairs and global order, leading us to the conclusion that in normative sense currently there is a mess and nobody’s really ready to propose a kind of “global codex” (Z. Bauman), which is necessary for a globalised world of “network societies” (M. Castells); in institutional sense we have some new phenomena, like G-20, BRICS or Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as well as further deepening process of European integration after the Treaty of Lisbon, which is theoretically not absorbed yet; and finally in real politics one can observe an important Powers Shift, from Atlantic to Pacific, at least in economic sphere. According to the Author’s final conclusions, we are facing two principal challenges (meaning humankind): deeply mixed transnationalisation (i.e. diminishing of the role of nation states, including major powers) and quickly-growing consciousness of some global challenges (proliferation of nuclear arms, climate change, shrinking of raw and
energy sources, other environmental issues, etc.). Thus, in his opinion, experts on security issues and probably also researchers of global order should prepare a kind of “cooperative order” idea, an idea which, however – for the first time in decades or perhaps even Centuries – should be proposed not only by the West. This is the essence of the new global order which is emerging after the collapse of the global (Western) markets in September 2008. It is too early too judge yet whether this particular moment is a real fault-line leading to creation of a new order, but there are many signs prompting us to conclude so.
Language: Polish
Pages: 63-88
How to Cite:
Góralczyk, B. (2010) "W poszukiwaniu nowego ładu globalnego". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 4/2010, pp. 63-88.