ISSUE: 1/2007
- Volume 41
- Number 1
- 2007
Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs
ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780
Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License
Unijna droga do wspólnej polityki migracyjnej w kontekście debaty o przyszłości Wspólnot
The EU road to the Common Migration Policy in the debate concerning the future of the Community
The phenomenon of migrations is as old as humanity. However, migration policy in the European Union is quite a new issue. For many years kept on the intergovernmental level and dominated by national interests, this approach was slightly modified with the first Schengen Treaty, signed in 1985. The Amsterdam Treaty played a crucial role for migration policy, providing a fundament for creation of a place of freedom, security and justice. In conclusions of the European Council in Tampere (1999), which focused on migration policy, it was emphasised that Member States should ensure “fair treatment” of third countries’ citizens who legally stay in the EU. The September 11th played an important role in development of principles of the EU migration policy. First reactions after the event called for intensification of common efforts in order to ensure internal security of the Communities (the European list of terrorists organizations, Eurojust, Frontex), however, as time went by, national interests began to prevail again. The migration policy is characterized by national interests and needs differing from one Member State to another. The accession of 12 new Member States extended the EU borders once again. It has become essential to improve border control, people identification and to develop systems and procedures for exchanging information, although there are many other issues that have to be solved, as well. Migration policy and its principles belong to the most topical issues on the EU agenda today. The same problem appears in debate on the future of Europe, raising several questions that remain unanswered yet. Is it possible to create the EU’s common migration policy or will it remain in nations range of competence? Are we going to have Europe of two speeds as far as migration policy is concerned? Is terrorism coming to Europe from abroad or is it born within? How to tackle the problem of emigration from one Member State to another – is it migration or just mobility? How to ensure the same rules for all the EU employees who migrate between Member States? One thing seems certain: in the nowadays world Europe has to be open to foreigners and ready for a dialogue – not in the form of declarations or statements, however, but for real, practical debate. Such a new social dialogue, not between employers-employees-governments, but meant as valid cross cultural debate, can become a base for a new European common migration policy. In order to achieve that, however, Europe needs an instrument and communication mechanism, such as a European Communication policy.
Language: Polish
Pages: 49-71
How to Cite:
Pacek, M. and Bonikowska, M. (2007) "Unijna droga do wspólnej polityki migracyjnej w kontekście debaty o przyszłości Wspólnot". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 1/2007, pp. 49-71.