ISSUE: 4/2018
- Volume 22
- Number 4
- 2018
Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs
ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780
Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License
The EU’s Common Trade Policy: Implementation of the Concept of Sustainable Development and Free Trade in the Era of De-Globalization Processes?
The purpose of the article is to show the importance of the European Union’s common commercial policy in implementing the concept of sustainable development. The article uses the qualitative and quantitative method, analysis of Polish and foreign literature and analysis of a number of free trade agreements, signed or negotiated in the form of free trade zones and the system of customs preferences (GSP). The analysis concerns EU trade relations in the context of the implementation of sustainable development assumptions. In the new generation trade agreements, economic growth is served by the use of both the idea of free trade and sustainable development. The starting point for the analysis is the discussion of the promotion of
the idea of sustainable development by the European Union based on accepted liberal solutions in the common EU trade policy, currently used in the period of weak development of international trade. The second point discusses the European Union’s strategy in the common trade policy, developed on the basis of UN resolutions on sustainable economic development. The third point examines the issue of problems in achieving the goals of sustainable economic development in the case of developing countries.
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Language: English
Pages: 23-46
How to Cite:
Latoszek, E. and Dugiel, W. (2018) "The EU’s Common Trade Policy: Implementation of the Concept of Sustainable Development and Free Trade in the Era of De-Globalization Processes?". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 4/2018, pp. 23-46.