ISSUE: 1/2009
- Volume 49
- Number 1
- 2009
Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs
ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780
Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License
Społeczny i kulturowy kontekst kryzysu gospodarczego w literaturze naukowej. Przyczynek do europejskiej debaty
Social and cultural context of the economic crisis in scholar litera in scholar literature. A contribution to European debate ture. A contribution to European debate
This article addresses the problems of the current economic crisis. The Author attempts to show that this crisis has very profound reasons and effects in the areas of civilization change, of cultural and social processes. It is not possible to comprehend modern economic problems in isolation from this broad context. The article presents publications of such authors as D.Bell, K.Polanyi, L.C.Thurow, I.Wallerstein, G.Soros, J.Habermas, A.Giddens, A.Touraine, Ch.Lasch, M.Hardt and A.Negri, J.Ryfkin, M.Castells, involved for many years in describing the entire complex of processes leading to the current economic crisis, providing valuable base for much more informed insight into the true nature of this phenomenon
which often tends to be seen in a rather superficial way.
Language: Polish
Pages: 9-36
How to Cite:
Wielecki, K. (2009) "Społeczny i kulturowy kontekst kryzysu gospodarczego w literaturze naukowej. Przyczynek do europejskiej debaty". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 1/2009, pp. 9-36.