ISSUE: 4/2017

  • Volume 84
  • Number 4
  • 2017


Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs

ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780

Ccbync License


Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License

Rynek pracy po akcesji Polski do UE

Labour Market After Poland’s Accession to the EU


Fighting unemployment in the EU has been and still is the most serious challenge to economic policy. Poland’s entry into the EU meant not
only the opening of European labour markets to Poles, but also significant transformations that made our market more fl exible and which have helped alleviate the effects of the global fi nancial crisis. The new situation is a new challenge with regards to increasing productivity and the ability of the economy to create new jobs. Unfortunately, apart from the positive effects of the transformation, unfavorable phenomena have emerged including the too-frequent use of fi xed-term contracts by employers. This unfavorable phenomenon lessens an employer’s motivation to invest in an employee and to improve his or her qualifi cations and in the longer term worsens the socio-economic situation. The author of this article has attempted to assess the functioning of the labour market, taking into account the years 2012–2016. The choice of this particular period is directly related to the pace of the economic changes that took place at that time and the incubation of new, unidentified problems such as the following; the impact of EU funds on increasing the competitiveness of employers in the employment process and the phenomenon of the economic and fi nancial recession, which at the turn of caused a significant rise in unemployment and a decrease in employment.


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Language: Polish

Pages: 235-251

How to Cite:


Dubel, P. (2017) "Rynek pracy po akcesji Polski do UE". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 4/2017, pp. 235-251.
