ISSUE: 2/2007

  • Volume 42
  • Number 2
  • 2007


Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs

ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780

Ccbync License


Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License

Rozdział przedsiębiorstw zintegrowanych pionowo w sektorze energii elektryczneji gazu na podstawie dyrektyw elektroenergetycznej i gazowej.Mit czy rzeczywistość?

Split of vertically-integrated undertakings in electric power and gas sectors under electric power and gas directives. Myth or reality?


In many EU countries electricity networks/gas pipelines are still owned by the so-called vertically integrated undertakings (VIU) responsible for generation/extraction, supply, transmission and/or distribution of energy. Whilst competition can be promoted on generation/production and supply side of vertically integrated companies, transmission and distribution segments remain natural monopolies in which market mechanisms are hindered, at least to a certain extent. Vertical integration simply provides incumbents with opportunities to favor their own divisions and block new entrants. To cope with the problem, the European Commission proposed, within the Electricity and Gas Directives, to separate network operators, that is transmission system operators responsible for transmission activities and distribution system operators responsible for distribution, from the VIU. This was supposed to be achieved at three levels: unbundling of accounts, functional (managerial) and legal unbundling. Unfortunately, practical, domestic execution of the unbundling provisions is still undone. In many cases current unbundling provisions implemented into national legislations simply fail to remove incentives for cross subsidization or discrimination against competitors regarding third party access (TPA). In this case, the most feasible solution and motivation for system operators to operate, maintain and develop networks in the interest of all market players would be unbundling of assets or, basically, unbundling of ownership.

Language: Polish

Pages: 143-165

How to Cite:


Nowak, B. (2007) "Rozdział przedsiębiorstw zintegrowanych pionowo w sektorze energii elektryczneji gazu na podstawie dyrektyw elektroenergetycznej i gazowej.Mit czy rzeczywistość?". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 2/2007, pp. 143-165.
