ISSUE: 3/2018
- Volume 22
- Number 3
- 2018
Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs
ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780
Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License
Przemysł 4.0 w Unii Europejskiej
The European Union's Approach to Industry 4.0
The aim of this paper is to present the European Union’s (EU) approach to Industry 4.0. In order to do this the term “four industrial revolutions” is defined first. The Industry 4.0 development has been made possible as a result of Internet and other ICT technologies which were developed in the late-20th and early-1st centuries and which are described here The concept of Industry 4.0 originated in Germany, where it brought a new way of organising industry. This idea has since spread around the world. To present the overview of Industry 4.0 in the EU the term “industry” is defined and its place within international classifi cations of economic activities shown. EU industrial policy is briefly described to make clear that industry is a subject of European competition law and, in fact, industry must cope with the transformation itself. However, there are many ways to support this process but mainly on three levels: national, regional and European. This is the subject of further discussion in this paper. European countries and regions are creating plans to foster the developments of this form of industry – something which is expected to increase industrial efficiency by around 30%. The EU is strongly supporting this process. So far the development of Industry 4.0 has been most advanced in Europe. The paper concludes with a brief comparison of developments with the US and China.
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Language: Polish
Pages: 257-279
How to Cite:
Grabowska, M. (2018) "Przemysł 4.0 w Unii Europejskiej". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 3/2018, pp. 257-279.