ISSUE: 3/2018
- Volume 22
- Number 3
- 2018
Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs
ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780
Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License
Poland and the Euro Zone. Three Possible Scenarios and Their Consequences
The Euro zone has undergone profound institutional changes since the occurrence of its 2010 crisis. The EU countries which, due to different reasons, have not entered to the EMU, must rethink their calculus. Standard economic analysis should be now supplemented with political-institutional dimension. Under these circumstances the article sketches three possible scenarios for Poland, which should be taken into account by decision-makers: (a) fast accession to the euro zone. (b) laggard ‘fence sitting’, and (c) ‘shutting the door’. Each of them raises important economic and politicoinstitutional consequences. The text argues that in overall assessment, the longer the accession to the euro area is delayed, the stronger the risk of Poland’s peripherization in the EU. Therefore the comprehensive analysis of costs and benefi ts under new circumstances should be done fast.
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Language: English
Pages: 203-219
How to Cite:
Götz, M. and Nowak, B. and Orłowski, W. (2018) "Poland and the Euro Zone. Three Possible Scenarios and Their Consequences". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 3/2018, pp. 203-219.