ISSUE: 4/2017

  • Volume 84
  • Number 4
  • 2017


Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs

ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780

Ccbync License


Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License

Ochrona dziedzictwa narodowego jako przesłanka ograniczenia swobód rynku wewnętrznego UE

National Heritage Observance as a Condition Limiting the Freedoms of the EU Internal Market


It goes without saying that protection of the national heritage is a signifi cant objective and task of modern states and all the international community, for it constitutes the nations’ identity and is a universal value which cannot be overestimated. In the integrated Europe it can become a premise restricting the freedom of goods flow in the European Union internal market because of its special signifi cance and value. The hereby paper aims at analysing the problems of restricting the freedom of merchandise in relation to the cultural goods and national treasures both on the level of the EU law and based on the judicature of the Court of Justice of the EU, as well as in the plane of the limits introduced by the national
law following from the idea of special protection of the state’s interest and the constitutional values on the example of Poland. The subject of the paper in particular comprises some refl ections concerning the definitionof the concept of cultural goods, presenting the EU approach to the problems of the cultural heritage preserving, the analysis of the EU primary and secondary law normalizing the matter under the discussion, as well as the judicature of the CJEU. Moreover, it concentrates on the analysis of
the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997 and the legislature, as well as the judgements of the Constitutional Tribunal in this scope.


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Language: Polish

Pages: 141-161

How to Cite:


Serzhanova, V. and Plis, J. (2017) "Ochrona dziedzictwa narodowego jako przesłanka ograniczenia swobód rynku wewnętrznego UE". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 4/2017, pp. 141-161.
