PhD, he is an Associate Professor at Law Faculty at “St. Kliment Ohridski” University – Bitola (Republic of North Macedonia). Thematic editor of the scientific quarterly “Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs”. Doctor of public administration, areas of scientifi c research: Public Administration, Administrative Cooperation between the European States, European Integration of Macedonia and Western Balkans, Institutions of European Union, Enlargement Policy of the European Union, Regional Policy of the European Union, Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union, Cross-Border Cooperation, Local and Regional Development, Instruments for Pre-Accession. Managing Editor in Journal of Liberty and International Affairs and Co-founder in the Institute for Research and European Studies. Participant at many international scientific conferences, international projects and author and co-author of numerous publications. Realized several mobilities as a lecturer at foreign Universities through Erasmus+ Program, CEEPUS Program, SIGMA Program, etc.