Issue: 4/2024

  • Volume 28
  • Number 4
  • 2024


Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs

ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780

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Articles published in the journal are under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives 4.0 International License

Agnieszka Dudzińska


Ph.D., is a sociologist at the University of Warsaw. She specialises in the sociology of law and politics, and conducts research on the political system, political institutions and political representation, as well as on the legislative process and programming public policies. She works with international research teams, and recently published a book on disability as an area of public intervention (2021). She is the author of the book System zamknięty. Socjologiczna analiza procesu legislacyjnego w świetle wybranych tez teorii systemów Niklasa Luhmanna (2015), (The Closed System. A Sociological Analysis of the Legislative Process in Light of Selected Theses of Niklas Luhmann’s Systems Theory) and many chapters and articles on political representation, opposition, and the legislative process. She teaches the sociology of law, policymaking, and research methods. She is also a recognised expert of public institutions and non-governmental organisations.