ISSUE: 2/2024

  • Volume 28
  • Number 2
  • 2024


Studia Europejskie –
Studies in European Affairs

ISSN: 1428-149X
e-ISSN: 2719-3780

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Algorithmic Failure? The Weimar Triangle as a Subregional Emulation of Global Governance Structures


This article addresses the issue of discontinuity in the context of the multilevel nature of global governance and the relationship between the determinants of continuity and the sustainability of (sub)regional institutional arrangements. The main purpose of the discussion is to better understand continuity disturbances in the Weimar Triangle. These disturbances are expressed not only in fluctuations in the cooperation levels within the Triangle, but also in increasingly long periods of institutional inertia. The study is based on the assumption that the main reason for the disturbances in the continuity of the Weimar Triangle is the suboptimal emulation of the operating algorithms developed in the G7, that is, the sequences of principles, practices, and knowledge that Germany and France had internalized through their long-term socialization in the G7, and then transferred to the subregional level in order to ensure adaptability and receptiveness in the functioning of the Weimar Triangle.


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Language: English

Pages: 29-49

How to Cite:


Rewizorski, M. and Przybylska-Maszner, B. (2024) "Algorithmic Failure? The Weimar Triangle as a Subregional Emulation of Global Governance Structures". Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 2/2024, pp. 29-49. DOI: 10.33067/SE.2.2024.2
